Digital Patient Podcast

SeamlessMD Podcast - Episode 45 - Supporting Ontario Hospitals with Surgical Remote Monitoring

August 4, 2021



In this episode of the SeamlessMD Podcast, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Customer Success Manager, Jordan Finewax, about Supporting Ontario Hospitals with Surgical Remote Monitoring. See the full show notes below for details.

Guest(s): Jordan Finewax, Customer Success Manager at SeamlessMD

Dr. Joshua Liu (@joshuapliu), Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD

Episode 45 – Show notes:

[0:47] Introducing Mr. Jordan Finewax, Customer Success Manager at SeamlessMD, who supports various SeamlessMD partners including a cohort of Ontario hospitals;

[2:29] How surgical remote monitoring solutions like SeamlessMD is a key tool to improve the patient experience while keeping providers and patients connected peri-operatively – enabling the healthcare team to better prepare patients for surgery and intervene at the right time, even pre-emptively, to ensure adverse outcomes are avoided;

[3:45] How implementing pre-operative Surgical Remote Monitoring can reduce cancellations and alleviate patient anxiety to support a smoother surgery;

[4:00] How the surgical backlog in Ontario has grown to roughly 400,000 and why Ontario hospitals are implementing Surgical Remote Monitoring to help clear the backlog due to its ability to increase same-day surgeries and reduce length of stay to increase patient throughput;

[5:19] How Surgical Remote Monitoring reduces readmissions by tracking patient health status post-operatively including pain and symptoms and why SeamlessMD increases patient motivation by providing a tracking tool for benchmarking (e.g. tracking patient knee flexion and providing recommendations based on user input);

[9:47] How SeamlessMD has streamlined the implementation process from kick-off to go-live with many organizations in Ontario;

[15:49] How the SeamlessMD Patient Education team, comprised of people with a clinical background (e.g. pharmacy, nursing, health communications, etc.) plays a unique role compared to other companies in the digital health space with mostly business/engineering folks, as they are largely responsible for building the program including reminders, protocols and recommendations, with an emphasis on accessibility;

[18:38] Why it is necessary to involve various stakeholders when implementing Surgical Remote Monitoring to give the organization and its team members a sense of ownership;

[23:03] How Surgical Remote Monitoring benefits a broad the range of clinical areas such as hip and knee replacement, spine (fusion, decompression), breast cancer, colorectal, bariatrics, etc. and how each program is unique in its needs (e.g. knee flexion for knee replacement, stoma output for certain colorectal procedures);

[26:00] How SeamlessMD supports patients more accurately; preventing unnecessary ED visits such as patients with minor concerns (e.g. light bruising) while encouraging patients who actually need help to escalate (e.g. call a specific provider, schedule an appointment, etc.);

[30:20] Why the best practices for getting high patient adoption and engagement with the surgical remote monitoring technology should be centered around a concentrated, well-structured effort, whether it’s a singular body responsible for calling out to patients and explaining in detail what SeamlessMD is, or meeting them in-clinic to discuss; repetition seems to be the key here;

[33:41] How success metrics such as patient satisfaction, quality of life and ED visit rate serve as early indicators for broader clinical success with remote monitoring;

[37:56] How Ontario Health has created a “User Group” with SeamlessMD to identify and share best practices between Ontario hospitals using SeamlessMD, aligning team members  and benchmarking various measures such as wound scores, program recommendations, and call/visit avoidance;

[42:02] How SeamlessMD has maintained exceptional staff training & program launches during the pandemic by proactively connecting with various hospital providers, recording and sharing training materials ahead of time, and by giving providers an opportunity to review materials at their own pace;

[44:26] Why Mr. Finewax loves working at SeamlessMD because he gets to engage in meaningful conversation using data to support hospitals and patients, and because he gets to collaborate with an exceptionally smart and diverse team;

[46:40] Fast Five / Lightning Round Questions:

Q1: What is your favorite book or book you’ve gifted the most?

A1: “Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It”, written by Chris Voss.  An excellent book on how to really engage and negotiate, written by an ex-FBI negotiator.

Q2: How has an apparent failure set you up for greater success?

A2: “Happens all the time- being really clear in expectations right from the beginning and someone missing it can mean fighting a constant uphill battle. There is a need to constantly re-evaluate and determine expectations for people.”

Q3: Would you rather have super strength, super speed, or the ability to read people’s minds?

A3: Always been a Flash fan; super speed.

Q4: What is something in healthcare you believe that others might find insane?

A4: “The pace!”

Q5: What is 1 hobby or activity you’ve gotten into since the pandemic?

A5: “Started a food blog with my wife!” Check it out on Instagram: @Finefoodswithfinewax

SeamlessMD Podcast - Episode 45 - Supporting Ontario Hospitals with Surgical Remote Monitoring

Posted by:
August 4, 2021



In this episode of the SeamlessMD Podcast, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Customer Success Manager, Jordan Finewax, about Supporting Ontario Hospitals with Surgical Remote Monitoring. See the full show notes below for details.

Guest(s): Jordan Finewax, Customer Success Manager at SeamlessMD

Dr. Joshua Liu (@joshuapliu), Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD

Episode 45 – Show notes:

[0:47] Introducing Mr. Jordan Finewax, Customer Success Manager at SeamlessMD, who supports various SeamlessMD partners including a cohort of Ontario hospitals;

[2:29] How surgical remote monitoring solutions like SeamlessMD is a key tool to improve the patient experience while keeping providers and patients connected peri-operatively – enabling the healthcare team to better prepare patients for surgery and intervene at the right time, even pre-emptively, to ensure adverse outcomes are avoided;

[3:45] How implementing pre-operative Surgical Remote Monitoring can reduce cancellations and alleviate patient anxiety to support a smoother surgery;

[4:00] How the surgical backlog in Ontario has grown to roughly 400,000 and why Ontario hospitals are implementing Surgical Remote Monitoring to help clear the backlog due to its ability to increase same-day surgeries and reduce length of stay to increase patient throughput;

[5:19] How Surgical Remote Monitoring reduces readmissions by tracking patient health status post-operatively including pain and symptoms and why SeamlessMD increases patient motivation by providing a tracking tool for benchmarking (e.g. tracking patient knee flexion and providing recommendations based on user input);

[9:47] How SeamlessMD has streamlined the implementation process from kick-off to go-live with many organizations in Ontario;

[15:49] How the SeamlessMD Patient Education team, comprised of people with a clinical background (e.g. pharmacy, nursing, health communications, etc.) plays a unique role compared to other companies in the digital health space with mostly business/engineering folks, as they are largely responsible for building the program including reminders, protocols and recommendations, with an emphasis on accessibility;

[18:38] Why it is necessary to involve various stakeholders when implementing Surgical Remote Monitoring to give the organization and its team members a sense of ownership;

[23:03] How Surgical Remote Monitoring benefits a broad the range of clinical areas such as hip and knee replacement, spine (fusion, decompression), breast cancer, colorectal, bariatrics, etc. and how each program is unique in its needs (e.g. knee flexion for knee replacement, stoma output for certain colorectal procedures);

[26:00] How SeamlessMD supports patients more accurately; preventing unnecessary ED visits such as patients with minor concerns (e.g. light bruising) while encouraging patients who actually need help to escalate (e.g. call a specific provider, schedule an appointment, etc.);

[30:20] Why the best practices for getting high patient adoption and engagement with the surgical remote monitoring technology should be centered around a concentrated, well-structured effort, whether it’s a singular body responsible for calling out to patients and explaining in detail what SeamlessMD is, or meeting them in-clinic to discuss; repetition seems to be the key here;

[33:41] How success metrics such as patient satisfaction, quality of life and ED visit rate serve as early indicators for broader clinical success with remote monitoring;

[37:56] How Ontario Health has created a “User Group” with SeamlessMD to identify and share best practices between Ontario hospitals using SeamlessMD, aligning team members  and benchmarking various measures such as wound scores, program recommendations, and call/visit avoidance;

[42:02] How SeamlessMD has maintained exceptional staff training & program launches during the pandemic by proactively connecting with various hospital providers, recording and sharing training materials ahead of time, and by giving providers an opportunity to review materials at their own pace;

[44:26] Why Mr. Finewax loves working at SeamlessMD because he gets to engage in meaningful conversation using data to support hospitals and patients, and because he gets to collaborate with an exceptionally smart and diverse team;

[46:40] Fast Five / Lightning Round Questions:

Q1: What is your favorite book or book you’ve gifted the most?

A1: “Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It”, written by Chris Voss.  An excellent book on how to really engage and negotiate, written by an ex-FBI negotiator.

Q2: How has an apparent failure set you up for greater success?

A2: “Happens all the time- being really clear in expectations right from the beginning and someone missing it can mean fighting a constant uphill battle. There is a need to constantly re-evaluate and determine expectations for people.”

Q3: Would you rather have super strength, super speed, or the ability to read people’s minds?

A3: Always been a Flash fan; super speed.

Q4: What is something in healthcare you believe that others might find insane?

A4: “The pace!”

Q5: What is 1 hobby or activity you’ve gotten into since the pandemic?

A5: “Started a food blog with my wife!” Check it out on Instagram: @Finefoodswithfinewax

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