We're excited to announce that on March 14, 2015, our CEO Joshua Liu will be speaking at the NeuCON 2015 Conference at Peter Gilgan Center For Research and Learning.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHkd7DfReYUThe NeuCON 2015 Conference will be bringing together some of the top minds from the healthcare industry, with a focus on Neuroscience Technology and Entrepreneurship, to share their unique personal experience and invaluable insights into the industry. Neuroscience research is rapidly expanding and quickly becoming one of the most exciting fields in the world, with far reaching applications from medicine, to computer science, to general consumer goods and services.At the event, Joshua Liu, CEO and Co-founder of SeamlessMD will be sharing his story and will discuss how he went from a science background to tech entrepreneurship. He will also be sharing his experience with how to bring digital health products to market, including ideation and product development. The conference is aimed towards young scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs looking to get exposure, build valuable connections and get hands on experiences to help them found successful health technology products.Other speakers in the session include:
- Dr. Randy McIntosh, Director, Rotman Research Institute
- Dr. Aaron Newman, Director, RADIANT Neurotechnology
- Andrea Matheson, CEO, Sapphire Digital Health Solutions Inc.
- Karl Martin, CEO, Nymi
- Dr. Cynthia Goh, Director, Impact Centre
- Hisham Alshaer, Inventor, ApneaDX
- Amir Manbachi, CEO, Spinesonics Medical Inc.
- Joel Drewry, Associate, Blueline Bioscience
- Susie Pan, Founder, Science Expo
- Steve Tam, Marketing & Outreach Lead,Indiegogo
For more information, visit the official NeuCON 2015 Conference Website
The Seamless Team
SeamlessMD transforms paper-based instructions into an interactive, personal navigator for patients on smart phones, tablets and the web to improve outcomes and lower costs.https://www.seamless.md